
This is a lot of “me” content but where else can you hear all about what I’m up to without reading my Google calendar?



Thing #1 - Big Freedia and Kesha are chasing rainbows

Such a fun/crazy music video for this latest video by Big Freedia featuring Miss K-dollar sign-ha Kesha, a whole bunch of ceramic statues and unicorns, and cute boys in singlets and short shorts.

Clearly something for your Sunday watch list.

The two superstars are going to be touring together too.

Thing #2 - A book about indigenous design techniques using living organisms to build enduring architecture

Julia Watson, an activist with an amazing brain, released a book called Lo-TEK Design by Radical Indigenism that features super-cool approaches by indigenous peoples in over 20 countries to sustainable design and tech. Examples include bridges made of ficus trees and more.

It’s a 420 page book and you can click HERE to see some example or to order one of your own.


Thing #3 - Founder of Bread and Puppet Theater makes rye bread

My mom works for the Rotary Club back in my hometown and she used to hire my brother and I to make parade puppets for her summer festival celebrations. Through extensive research, we discovered the joy and magic that is Bread and Puppet Theater, a theater company founded in the seventies that would make the most hippy-tastic creations you’d ever fever dreamed of. Large wicker men and women, tributes to pagan deities on large poles, sweeping wings of cranes made with fabric - they made beautiful pieces for their productions using ordinary materials. Their pieces inspired people like Julie Taymor who designed the amazing Broadway production of The Lion King and the Beatles tribute film, Across the Universe.

Their basic tenant is that art should be as basic as bread is to life. The founder, Peter Schumann, would make rye bread from scratch and serve it with butter to performance goers as part of the experience and you can see him below making it from scratch, including the flour. Magic.

Thing #4 - An HBO show with trime traveling viking refugees

OK, so get this, for some reason, people from the past start suddenly showing up in Oslo. That’s the premise for Beforeingers, a new six-part series on HBO that looks at what would happen if people from the Stone Age, the Viking era, and the Victorian period, started showing up for no reason in the present day. I’m kind of into it and the protagonist, shieldmaiden turned police officer Alfhildr, is super cool and swoon-worthy.

Thing #5 - The Bosch Parade

There’s a parade where people make weird, giant, floatable sculptures and send them down a river. It’s inspired by Heironymous Bosch, the artist, and takes place in Hertogenbosch along the Dommel River. Bosch was all about surrealist fantasies so the sculptures are always a bit out there and conceptual.

My brother and I are in the Library of Congress!

My brother and I are in the Library of Congress!

A trip to the Virgin Islands

A trip to the Virgin Islands