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UFO sighting in Tampa

UFO sighting in Tampa

So, Scottie’s friend Bruce was starring in a show he created about a post-apocalyptic future dystopia where generations subsist on kernels of truths gleaned from what was left behind by the fall of Disney World and while we were there, I insisted on hitting a few random landmarks I’d heard about … like this UFO that was affixed to the top of a local strip club.

Thie 2001 Nude Odyssey strip joint has a rare UFO Futuro sitting on the top of its building that has to be seen to be believed. Futuros were designed by a Finnish architect in the 1970s and only like 100 of them were even made, and even fewer have managed to last this long. This particular one is used for hosting high price lap dances apparently. More than a handful have been converted into Airbnbs. Imagine a whole street where these have been installed on the roofs of local retail shops to be rented out to visitors. I love that image.

If you ever see one for sale, let me know. I think I have some rich friends I could convince to invest in purchasing it for me. Hopefully.

Flattery is everything

Flattery is everything

Spotted by Watermark newspaper

Spotted by Watermark newspaper